Punch Boxing: Championship
Step into the boxing arena and take part in a boxing tournament as you try and become the ultimate champion. Punch your way to victory using a variety of punches while trying to dodge all of your opponents blows. Knock them out to win the match.
Step into the boxing arena and take part in a boxing tournament as you try and become the ultimate champion. Punch your way to victory using a variety of punches while trying to dodge all of your opponents blows. Knock them out to win the match.
- Q / A: Cross Punch
- W / Z / Y: Right / Left Uppercut
- E / T: Right / Left Hook
- U / I: Right / Left Overhand
- D: Dodge Punch
- S: Block Punch
Q / A: Cross Punch
W / Z / Y: Right / Left Uppercut
E / T: Right / Left Hook
U / I: Right / Left Overhand
D: Dodge Punch
S: Block Punch